Flash Gel Kit 2 12.5x5cm in Impendle, KwaZulu-Natal for sale
Flash Gel Kit 2
Hitech kits consist of two of each of the following gels along with 60 dots and 4 strips of Velcro to allow you to easily attach to the flash gun. Gel Size 12.5x5cm.
201 Full C.T. BlueConverts tungsten 3200k to photographic Daylight 5700k
202 Half C.T. BlueConverts tungsten 3200k to 4300k
203 Quarter C.T. BlueConverts tungsten 3200k to 3600k
204 Full C.T. OrangeConverts daylight 6500k to 3200k
205 Half C.T. OrangeConverts daylight 6500k to 3800k
206 Quarter C.T. Orange
Converts daylight 6500k to 4600k
244 Full Plus GreenProvides a green cast when used on a daylight and tungsten sources
for partial balancing with fluorescent
(approx. equivalent to CC30 green camera Filter)
245 Half Plus GreenProvides a green cast when used on a daylight and tungsten sources
for partial balancing with fluorescent
(approx. equivalent CC15 green camera Filter)
247 Full Minus GreenUsed for eliminating green cast caused by fluorescent light on film.
(approx. equivalent CC30 magenta Camera Filter)
248 Half Minus GreenUsed for eliminating green cast caused by fluorescent light on film.
(approx. equivalent to CC15 magenta camera filter)
182 Light RedTheatre and television effect lighting, cycloramas
143 Pale Navy BlueMoonlight, cycloramas
795 Magical MagentaRich mix of reds and pinks
216 White DiffusionSoft light effects (50 micron)
250 Half White DiffusionHalf strength 216 (216: Soft light effect ? 50 micron)
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